CEBAF Operations Summaries
Recent Log Entries
- COMMENT ON B67 Utilize JLG to modify metal halide high bay fixtures to LEDs
- APPROVED Inspect JA8A05
- COMMENT ON Flush YAAT01, ZA8T04 & XPAA03
- APPROVED Standing Magnet Degradation Study (LDRD+)
- APPROVED Diagose beam mode transition delay
- SCHEDULED MPS FSD and BLM systems checks for upcoming runs
- COMMENT ON Troubleshoot IPM1R03 and IPM1R10A
- APPROVED HCO Hall A/B/C/D-tagger BLA BCM electronics
- APPROVED Upgrade/Verify Grounding for VFV1L27 Controls
- COMMENT ON Replace North Access LCW System Makeup Carbon and Mixed Bed Resin Bottles
- COMMENT ON Replace North Access LCW System Makeup Carbon and Mixed Bed Resin Bottles
- QE Measurement
- Maintenance Day today
- COMPLETED 4 Channel BPM - replace power supply (ea6)